What to do if…
You get lost
First and foremost don’t worry! St Bede’s is a big school and most people (even staff!) may get lost from time to time. There are always staff on the corridors and the yard during lesson changeover. Older students will also help and point you in the right direction. There is also a student services desk in the main reception which you can go to for help.
You miss the bus
If you are travelling to school in the morning and miss the bus, you should contact your parent/carer. If you miss the bus when you are travelling home, you should come back into school and let reception know. They will either contact your parent/carer or your year team.
You haven’t ordered your lunch/don’t have money on your lunch card
It is important that you ensure your lunch card is topped up with sufficient funds. You will not be allowed to go in to arears on your account. You and your parents/carers must regularly check your lunch account, ready for the following day. If you do encounter a problem topping up for the next day then please bring a packed lunch to school until the top up problem has been resolved.
You have an activity after school but haven’t told your parent/carer
Again, it is important to be organised and it is your responsibility to let home know if you are staying after school, however, if you haven’t informed home that you plan to stay after school, speak to your year team and they will allow you to use the phone to ask permission to stay.
You are struggling with school work/personal study
It is normal to find your work difficult at times but if you are worried about a topic or task, speak to your subject teacher who will help you. There are Personal Study clubs available during lunch.
You have an appointment during the school day
Your parent/carer should email contact@stbedesblackburn.com for the attention of your year team with details of the appointment. During the school day, students can only leave through the main reception.
You are ill or injure yourself during the school day
Go to your year team who will either help you to feel better, direct you to a first aider or ring home.