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Complete the preparation tasks listed below to make sure that you’re ready to start your career at St Bede’s!

  1. Click here to download our example timetable and use it to practise packing your bag for each day. You could use pieces of paper with the different subjects written on for books and pack your trainers when you have PE.
  2. Download our poster which details ‘The St Bede’s Way’. Think of how you can show respect in the four different areas. For example, you show respect for others and your environment by ensuring you put litter in the bin. You show respect for your faith by joining in collective worship.
  3. If you are getting a school bus, find out where your nearest bus stop is and trial how long it takes you to walk there. A bus timetable is available on our website so you can see what time your bus is due. If you are walking to school, have a practise run with a family member to see how long it takes you to walk to school. This will help you with routines when you start in September.
  4. When your parents/carers have purchased your uniform, practise putting it on so that you are more comfortable with items that you may not be used to wearing such as blazers and ties.
  5. Download our transition presentation and familiarise yourself with the different apps for homework and lunches.

Useful links and tasks:

Starting secondary school – BBC Parents’ Toolkit – BBC Bitesize

Sparx Maths – YouTube Walkthrough

Parents (

Sparx Maths Curriculum – Transition Booklets

Year 6 Transition Reads – Suggested Books