Faith and Formation at St Bede’s
Our school patron Saint, St. Bede the Venerable, is at the heart of our school values, where all pupils are encouraged to take a journey of faith, discovery and learning. During his life, Bede gave absolute priority to prayer, fasting and charitable hospitality and these values are reflected in our school mission, where all of our pupils are inspired to understand and live moral lives, based on the Gospel values of; hope, love, forgiveness and compassion. Bede understood that love was his life’s purpose.
We strive to put Christ at the Centre of all we do and challenge our pupils to become young people of integrity, educated in faith and for justice. In our school and our local community our young people strive to make a difference in the lives of others and all pupils are provided with the opportunities to shine.
Formation involves helping our young people develop into the people God intended them to be. Helping them to grow deeper in their relationship with Christ in order that they can respond to God’s calling which is unique to them. At St Bede’s we aim to meet all of our pupils wherever they may be on their own personal faith journey. Through the following opportunities in our school community, our pupils can enhance their personal formation.
Leadership Roles

Charity Fundraising
During the academic year there are charity focus weeks where all of our school community contribute to fundraising efforts. Each year group has their own charity and pupils also raise awareness and money for CAFOD and Caritas. Our school community also supports Nightsafe, Blackburn with Darwen foodbank and the parish foodbank.
Parish Links
At St Bede’s we believe that links to our parishes are important as part of working with our local faith community. There is a regular priest presence in school and throughout the year our younger pupils are invited to attend the celebration of Mass at the parish churches in Darwen. Father Brian also works with our pupil prayer leaders to plan Mass and Services that are held in school at key points in the Liturgical Year.
Year 8 Sacrament of Confirmation
Every year St Bede’s staff support our Year 8 pupils who wish to take the Sacrament of Confirmation. Staff work closely with the clergy and local parishes to support preparation classes and the organisation of the annual Confirmation Service.
Laudato Si
Pupils from our Social Justice Team and Ecology Group have visited the Salford Diocese ‘Laudato Si’ centre. They learn how to put their faith into action and care for the gift of creation, bringing their learning back into our school community and helping to care for our school environment.
Collective Worship
At St Bede’s we provide opportunities for our pupils to reflect and be still. Our beautiful prayer room is open daily and pupils are encouraged to make use of this reflective space. Year group assemblies provide an opportunity to hear God’s Word, reflect on this and live this out through their mission. Pupils are invited to pray as part of daily prayers at the start and end of the day. During ‘Theme of the Week’ in prep time, they engage with their own personal spiritual and faith development.
St Bede’s provides opportunities to enhance and develop faith through our retreat programme. In Year 7, all of our pupils are invited to attend the annual Whalley Abbey Retreat Day. In Year 8, we join pupils from St Augustine’s High School on a two-night residential retreat to Castlerigg Manor in Keswick. In Year 9, we invite pupils to come along to a day of faith and fun at Pantasaph Friary in North Wales and a visit to the shrine at Holywell. All of the retreats we provide allow for pupils to develop spiritually and enhance their faith on their own personal journey.
St Bede’s Mission Day
For the last two years, the Mission Day has now become an annual event for all of our school community. This event truly lets our pupils and staff ‘shine’ in different activities throughout the day. This allows everyone to work together and live out our mission.
Religious Education
Through curriculum RE, pupils are presented with an authentic vision of the Church’s moral and social teaching to guide pupils in their lives. Pupils are encouraged to continually deepen their religious and theological understanding of the beliefs central to Catholics. The curriculum brings clarity to their relationship between faith and life and provokes a desire for personal meaning as revealed in the Catholic faith.